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August 2017

Dividing Retirement Accounts “The Tax-Smart Way” In A Divorce

Among the myriad of potential issues to contend with in a divorce is the splitting of qualified retirement accounts between you and your ex – a transaction that the author of today’s article cautions, if done without the proper due diligence, can result in a very expensive tax trap: “You can divide up tax-favored retirement account money the tax-smart way… 

Your Prized Pension May Have A Problem

While traditional pension plans are largely becoming a thing of retirement past, 25% of pre-retirees are still fortunate enough to participate in one – but the author of today’s article warns those individuals not to get too comfortable with their apparent advantage when it comes to funding their golden years, cautioning that “there’s a good chance your pension plan is… 

This Dividend Aristocrat Pairing Strategy Can Boost Your Income Stream

With their (at least) 25 consecutive years of dividend hikes and steady-eddy nature, Dividend Aristocrats are appealing investments for retirees or any other income-focused investor. For those looking for an even greater income stream, the author of today’s article suggests an additional investment which – combined with a Dividend Aristocrat portfolio – “could be a profitable combination for income seekers.”…