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Save for Retirement

Side Hustles & Retirement Saving

More people than ever are working side gigs – and a major reason they report doing so is in order to grow their nest eggs. Today’s article acknowledges that side gigs “can offer…more opportunities to save for retirement and even help…make up for lost time” – that is, if approached correctly. What does one retirement savings expert say should be… 

Robots & Retirement: Assessing The Robo-Advisors

Robo-advisory services are increasingly getting attention from baby boomers looking for retirement guidance. As today’s article notes, robo-advisors now go beyond simply helping clients save for retirement, offering “tax-efficient strategies for turning nest eggs into steady streams of retirement income, as well as recommendations on Social Security, Medicare and long-term-care insurance.” To see what those in or approaching retirement can… 

A Comprehensive Retirement Planning Guide

How much do you need to save for retirement? In what order should you fund various retirement savings vehicles? What insurance policies will you need in retirement? How can you safely go about drawing down your assets once in retirement? Retirement planning is incredibly complex – which is why the author of today’s article breaks the process down into several… 

Save For Retirement Or Pay Off Debt: Which Comes First?

“Yes, debt can be costly, but failing to save for retirement ultimately will cost far more.” Today’s article outlines seven reasons – including missing out on employer 401(k) matches and compounded growth that can never be recouped – why delaying retirement savings in favor of paying off certain types of debt (i.e. “low-rate, potentially tax-deductible debt”) may be an unsound…