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Retirement Success

Techniques For Managing Sequence Of Return Risk In Retirement

Retirees face two possible worries, depending on how the market performs during their retirement: they could generate above-average returns and risk having underspent in retirement, or there’s the bigger worry: they could generate below-average returns and risk running out of money. In regards to the latter risk, today’s article outlines two research studies that provide retirees with techniques to reduce… 

How Much Do Stock Market Declines Actually Hurt New Retirees?

After an extended period of near record-low volatility, the market has seen a number of marked declines in recent weeks. Market declines can be terrifying – especially for those just starting retirement. As the author of today’s article notes, “retirement success is influenced by the returns that an investor earns when their portfolio is largest (presumably right at retirement). Therefore,… 

Why These Common Retirement Strategies Could Result In Portfolio Depletion

When it comes to investing for a retirement that could last decades, the author of today’s article states that “you need to invest in a way that has a documented history of success in a variety of different scenarios….choosing the wrong strategy could actually lead to portfolio depletion before your retirement ends.” He proceeds to outline how some of the… 

Retirement Self-Sabotage: 4 Lies We Tell Ourselves

“We like to think it’s things beyond our control – job layoffs, market downturns, big unanticipated expenses – that undermine our planning efforts and make achieving a secure retirement such a challenge. But the truth is we often inflict the most serious damage on our own by deluding ourselves into believing we’re making reasonable decisions when we’re not.” Today’s article…