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Money In Retirement

MAGA: “Making Annuities Great Again”

Just as the Trump MAGA (“Make America Great Again”) slogan is polarizing, so too are annuities. In fact, the author of today’s article observes that “the very financial tool that could save someone’s retirement journey so that they have income for life is the very tool that many hate.” Given the fear so many Americans have of running out of… 

Will Stocks Be Able To Do “The Heavy Lifting Of Funding Your Retirement”?

In the current era of low rates, the author of today’s article notes that “Stocks will have to do the heavy lifting of funding your retirement”. But will they be able to do so – or will unexpectedly low returns put you at risk of running out of money during your retirement? The author looks at what the most reliable… 

A Boring But Brilliant Retirement Investment

While he acknowledges that they are “kind of boring”, when it comes to this retirement investment, the author of today’s article argues that “boring is brilliant.” The investment in question? Target-date funds. He proceeds to outline a number of reasons why investors should embrace these “boring” investment vehicles – and a simple strategy to overcome one of their few shortcomings…