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Living Longer

“Life Planning”: How Longer Lives Demand A Shift In Approach To Retirement Planning

Americans are living longer. In fact, many may end up spending more years in retirement than they did working – and the author of today’s article warns that this new reality demands a new approach to retirement planning if Americans don’t want to “run out of money before they run out of life.” Specifically, the author advocates for a shift… 

Making Some Green From A Graying Population

Sure, you know that people around the world are living longer, but do you know how to make money off this “global aging megatrend”? Today’s article highlights a recent report on this unprecedented demographic shift and its investment implications. What potentially lucrative investment opportunities exist in the areas of real estate and health care & technology, and how can you… 

What Longer/Healthier Retirements Require

“Millions of Americans already are facing tough financial challenges when it comes to retirement. But we’ve only seen the tip of the iceberg if life spans really begin to lengthen.” Today’s article examines what will be required of people in order to ensure a secure retirement if life expectancies rise considerably. Here’s what the author has to say: “The affordability…