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Don’t Make These Mistakes!

Trying to plan for your retirement can seem impossible and making the perfect plan is imperative because you don’t want to be stranded in the future. Today’s article helps you prepare and avoid common mistakes like having no idea what you might spend during retirement, “The LearnVest Money Center is one tool that can help you keep tabs on your… 

Which Sector Is Doing Well?

You might be surprised but check this out, “over the past year, the S&P 500’s health-care sector is up 19 percent, and it’s up nearly 2 percent in the past 30 days alone.” That’s a quote from today’s article about the health-care sector doing quite alright. To read more and find out why, CLICK HERE.

Look Out For This Big Stock

Find out why the author of today’s article had to learn this, “the lesson I learned is that it is worth paying up (within reason) to own the very best companies with the very best growth prospects. A high rate of growth can quickly make an expensive looking share price appear like a real bargain.” To read more, CLICK HERE.

Stocks For Your Retirement

Today we’re bringing you an article that will suggest two stocks that you may want to add to your retirement portfolio. Here’s a quote, “before retiring, the goal is to accumulate wealth. This is often done by favoring growth stocks and having dividends automatically reinvested into the underlying security. After retirement, by contrast, the purpose is to replace lost income… 

Should You Stay Or Should You Go?

Today, we bring you an article to help you rethink the possibility of leaving a few stocks this summer. Here’s quote, “…that doesn’t mean that we won’t tread a little more carefully this time of year, especially after the big gains of 2012 and 2013, but the arrival of May should not send long-term-oriented investors heading for the hills, especially… 

Tips For Long-Lasting Retirement Savings

We’re bringing you an article with great tips for making your hard-earned retirement savings last through your retirement so you can stay happily retired. Here’s one tip about annuity and whether you should consider having it, “An immediate annuity will turn part of your savings into a lifetime stream of income for you and your spouse. For some people, having…