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7 King-Sized Yields (Up To 12.4%) That Wall Street Can’t Stand

Today we’ll cover one of my favorite traditions, which is fading the opinions of analysts. You know, the guys who typically slap a Buy rating on everything they see?

It sounds counterintuitive, but we don’t want Buy ratings on our stocks. Give us Holds and Sells and general apathy. Or, even better, disgust.

Bearish calls are better because upgrades are the future for the hated stocks. Unfortunately, these calls are also rare. Analysts know how they get their advantageous access, and it’s by having a generally rosy outlook whenever possible. It’s actually very unusual to find stocks that are consensus Sells.

I’ve cast a wider net to see if we can catch any contrarian stocks. So let’s sift through a 7-pack of massive yields (all the way up to 12.4%) to see if we should be buying anything that Wall Street’s pros are selling right now.

This post appeared at Dividend Stocks Research.