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Tax Reform

Rising Interest Rates vs. Tax Reform: Will You Lose Money In The End?

Much of the market volatility of late has been the result of concerns over inflation creeping up – and the prospect of the Federal Reserve continuing to raise interest rates in response. The author of today’s article looks at what rising rates mean for your money, depending on the positioning of your portfolio in terms of bonds and stocks. Will… 

How Tax Reform May Have Changed Your Life Insurance Needs

In considering how the new tax law affects your finances, the author of today’s article advises not to neglect its potential impact on your life insurance, noting that the “Tax Cuts and Jobs Act made significant changes that impact the use of life insurance as an estate protection vehicle and modified the tax ramifications of selling a life insurance policy… 

This Little-Noticed Tax-Reform Provision Could Have Big Implications For Future Retirees

The Trump tax reform plan has gotten a lot of attention (both positive and negative) of late. One aspect of the plan that has not gotten much notice, however, is a provision that the author of today’s article notes “would mark a landmark shift in the way that the government handles a key issue” – and this shift could ultimately… 

Will Tax Reform Leave Your Retirement Income “Rothified”?

In the wake of their failure on health care reform, Republicans in Washington are determined to pass tax reform – and as today’s article notes, “among the tax reform proposals currently being discussed is one that would convert part or all of workers’ tax-deferred 401(k) contributions to Roth 401(k) contributions, which are made after taxes have been removed.” What would… 

Tax Moves To Prepare For A “Richter 9” Shift In Tax Policy

“We think this is a policy shift of enormous magnitude. If Reagan was a Richter 8, this is a Richter 9.” This is how one financial planner cited in today’s article sizes up the tax changes that will come under President Trump and the GOP-controlled Congress. While the general advice is to defer income and accelerate deductions, what specific moves…