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Financial Blasphemy: Why This Adviser Questions The Wisdom Of Maxing Out 401(k) Contributions

The number one rule of saving for retirement is to max out your 401(k) contributions …right? The adviser cited in today’s article has a different take on this widely-accepted piece of financial wisdom, arguing that, for many, there might be better options. For whom does he believe maxing out 401(k)s contributions is not the best option, what does he recommend… 

United Income: The New “One Stop” Service For Retiring Boomers?

With all the complicated and interconnected questions that individuals nearing retirement must contend with, is it possible that software could provide more individually tailored and holistic answers to these questions (and in a more cost-effective manner) than an adviser? Today’s article outlines how Matt Fellowes, who recently resigned as Chief Innovation Officer at Morningstar Inc., is building a beta version… 

30 Tips For An Early Retirement

Despite a recent study finding that retiring later might help lengthen one’s life, you may still be looking for ways to retire early. Well today’s article has 30 of them! Specifically, the article outlines 30 “tips to amp up your retirement savings, cut spending and find extra sources of income” in the aim of helping to make the “pipe dream”…