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Retirement Withdrawals

Retirement Withdrawals & The Widow’s (Or Widower’s) Tax

“Tax-deferred accounts are great until they aren’t – when we have to pay taxes on our withdrawals,” notes the author of today’s article, who highlights an “often-overlooked” reason for married couples to consider making additional, earlier withdrawals from tax-deferred accounts (in addition to more common reasons such as wanting to use accumulated funds while you and your spouse are still… 

Techniques For Managing Sequence Of Return Risk In Retirement

Retirees face two possible worries, depending on how the market performs during their retirement: they could generate above-average returns and risk having underspent in retirement, or there’s the bigger worry: they could generate below-average returns and risk running out of money. In regards to the latter risk, today’s article outlines two research studies that provide retirees with techniques to reduce…