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Old Age

Sectors And Stocks For An Aging Bull’s “Twilight Years”

While the author of today’s article believes that the bull market still has room to run, he advises that “it’s time for investors to think about how and when bull markets end, and what performs well during their twilight years.” He proceeds to examine groups that tend to do well in the late stages of a bull market, and highlights… 

“A Grim Picture”: New Estimates On The Cost Of Medical And Long-Term Care In Old Age

$400,000. This is the amount the typical 65-year-old couple will need to save in order to pay for out-of-pocket medical and long-term care costs in old age, according to new estimates from Fidelity Benefits Consulting. As per today’s article, that amount is “$60,000 more than the typical couple’s entire savings at retirement, including equity in their home.” To read more…