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How Women Can Take Control Of Their Retirement – And Prevent Financial Destitution

Americans on the whole are underprepared for retirement. This is especially true for women over 50, with today’s article noting that “they fall way behind men when it comes to retirement preparedness.” While there are multiples reasons for this reality (including an acceleration in the divorce rate for this group), what can women do to prevent against the prospect of… 

Taking Stock Of Your Retirement Income Strategy

Yet another research report has found that a majority of baby boomers do not feel prepared for retirement – and today’s article suggests that one critical factor underlying the position that these boomers find themselves in is a lack of investment in stocks, with the author noting that “The ownership of the vast majority of equity returns in the hands… 

Retirement Planning, Small Business Owners Edition

Small business owners (SBOs) are not preparing sufficiently for retirement – and while they are not unlike the larger population of workers in that regard, SBOs typically face even greater challenges. As such, today’s article outlines a number of ways in which SBOs can go about preparing intelligently for retirement. What does the author identify as being “an ideal average… 

Getting Your Tax Withholding In Retirement Just Right

When it comes to withholding taxes in retirement, the author of today’s article advises that you want to withhold just the right amount: over-withhold and you miss out on earned interest; under-withhold and you risk getting hit with a penalty tax by the IRS. However, despite the importance of getting your withholding as close as possible to your actual tax… 

Strategies For Achieving Alpha At Home

Achieving alpha in the financial markets is no easy feat. As such, the author of today’s article advocates that, in seeking alpha, “all of us need to look in our backyards, where all our personal financial decisions are waiting to be optimized.” How? He outlines a number of strategies pertaining to Social Security benefits, retirement accounts and taxes which, combined,… 

Fixed-Income Investors vs. Rising Interest Rates: One Strategy To Consider

With interest rates ticking up, prospects for higher inflation as a result of economic growth, and the uncertainty that comes with a new face helming the Federal Reserve, how can fixed-income investors go about preparing for this environment and the additional risks it poses? The author of today’s article highlights his favorite idea in that regard – a vehicle which… 

Dividend Stocks Fit For A Retiree

Retirees generally want two things from their stocks, note the authors of today’s article: security and income. They further note that “Ideal picks are established companies with wide moats and a long history of dividend hikes.” They proceed to highlight three such stocks that may be particularly solid picks for retirees – including one “rock-solid dividend stock” that may currently… 

The Next Market Reality – And 3 Beaten-Down Stocks That Could Thrive In It

In regards to the likes of Amazon, the author of today’s article suggests that “the off-the-charts outperformance by its stock – and others like it – may be coming to an end” as a new market reality – wherein the tide shifts in favor of value stocks and away from growth stocks (which have outperformed for quite some time) –… 

Some Attractive (And Some Not-So-Attractive) Monthly Dividend Payers

Stocks that pay a monthly dividend can be an attractive option – especially for retirees. As the author of today’s article notes, not only do monthly dividend payers provide income on a schedule that matches up with monthly bills, but monthly payouts can be a sign of a company’s stability and they allow for faster gains if those dividends are…