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A Scientific Approach To Monthly Cashflow Optimization

When it comes to managing one’s monthly cashflow, how does a behavioral scientist go about doing it? Today’s article outlines the monthly cashflow optimization system of one behavioral scientist – one that he has refined over many years to “maximize [his] happiness per hour spent thinking about money.” For more – including why he only budgets for “boulders”, why he… 

How Tax Reform May Have Changed Your Life Insurance Needs

In considering how the new tax law affects your finances, the author of today’s article advises not to neglect its potential impact on your life insurance, noting that the “Tax Cuts and Jobs Act made significant changes that impact the use of life insurance as an estate protection vehicle and modified the tax ramifications of selling a life insurance policy… 

The Quest For Affordable Long-Term Care Insurance: 5 Insider Tips

While the Department of Health and Human Services estimates that almost 70% of those turning 65 today will require long-term care at some point (and 20% will require it for longer than five years), today’s article acknowledges that – shocked by the prices – too many are choosing to forego this insurance. As such, today’s article outlines five “insider tips…