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A 3-Pronged Portfolio To Beat The Returns Of “Lethargic” Index Investing

One of the macro-level changes in the investment landscape has been the large-scale shift by investors into indexes and ETFs (and away from stocks and mutual funds) – a shift that the author of today’s article sees as being based on misplaced beliefs, and one that he warns will cost those investors – especially younger investors – in the long… 

Could Your Retirement Be One Long Cruise?

When contemplating where you will live in retirement, have you considered a cruise ship? Should you? Today’s article argues that “depending on their home city and income level, retirees may find living aboard a cruise ship makes financial sense when compared to other retirement living options, especially in expensive locales” and cites a study finding that “when considered over a… 

Early Retirement: What Stands Between It And You

“A very common goal is to retire early and lead the ‘easy, good life’ [but] many… are disappointed to learn that an early retirement may not be in their future.” Today’s article outlines five reasons why early retirement is not in the cards for many, including rising health costs, mortgage payments in retirement, and the status of Social Security. To…