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The “Toxic Combination” That Could Crash The Stock Market – And The Economy

A tragedy is unfolding,” warns the author of today’s article regarding the U.S. stock market – and the potential for a crash that could topple the economy. The critical factors? “All-in dovish central banks, a renewed desperate hunt for yield, FOMO, a U.S.-China trade deal, record buybacks, trillion-dollar deficits ($1.1 trillion for 2019, to be exact, and rising) and a… 

3 Retirement-Friendly Stocks (Including One With “Special Dividends” On The Way)

Large, established companies with recognizable brand names. Dividend yields of at least 5%. Low volatility. Relatively cheap. These are four criteria that the author of today’s article believes make stocks well-suited for investors in retirement – and are thus the criteria that he employed in screening for stocks for retirees. Three stocks that fit the bill and which retirees may…