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Age 65

How To Accumulate $1 Million By Retirement (And Will That Even Be Enough?)

What does it take to have accumulated $1 million by retirement age (65)? The author of today’s article outlines how this seemingly Herculean task is “actually much easier–especially if you start saving early–to let your investments do as much heavy lifting as possible.” How can you have $1 million saved by age 65 – and is $1 million even an… 

Retire Later, Live Longer?

Aiming for an early retirement? You might want to reconsider. Today’s article outlines the findings of an Oregon State University study, which indicate that retiring after age 65 may help lengthen one’s life: “The risk of dying from any cause over the study period was 11% lower among people who delayed retirement for one year – until age 66 –…