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February 2020

“The Biggest Lie In Personal Finance”

The author of today’s article calls it “the biggest lie in personal finance” – and sees it as pervasive among articles on how to achieve early retirement. What is this lie, how does the financial media feed it, and what does the author argue is the only real “secret” to getting rich? CLICK HERE.

MAGA: “Making Annuities Great Again”

Just as the Trump MAGA (“Make America Great Again”) slogan is polarizing, so too are annuities. In fact, the author of today’s article observes that “the very financial tool that could save someone’s retirement journey so that they have income for life is the very tool that many hate.” Given the fear so many Americans have of running out of… 

What Type Of Retirement Saver Are You?

The author of today’s article outlines five types of retirement savers. Which type are you – and what does that mean for your retirement savings? What about those who can’t or don’t save at all for retirement? What five circumstantial variables does the author identify as generally having “the biggest impact on your retirement savings” – and how can you…