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Life Expectancy

Balancing Investment Risk And Reward In The Age Of Longevity

With the average life expectancy in the U.S. approaching 80 years, the long-advised strategy of shifting away from riskier (but higher-returning) assets like stocks and towards safer (but lower-returning) assets like bonds as you near retirement is not without its own risk: the risk of running out of money. The trick to navigating this risk/reward quandary, according to today’s article,… 

How 3 Simple Steps – Requiring Less Than An Hour – Can Help Improve Your Retirement Savings

Are you willing to give up an hour (actually less than an hour) of your time in the interest of helping to ensure that your retirement savings will be sufficient? If so (and who wouldn’t?), today’s article lays out three easy steps to complete in this regard. Those three steps? Estimate your life expectancy, determine the appropriate equity percentage for…