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Fake News (Retirement Edition)

You need $1 million to retire. Make that $2 million. Social Security will not be solvent much longer. Your expenses will go down in retirement. These are some of the prevalent retirement rumors the author of today’s article highlights that can have a detrimental effect on the retirement planning of those who subscribe to them. To read more – including… 

What’s In The Social Security Report Nobody’s Talking About?

A majority of Americans believe that their children will be worse off financially than they are and, as today’s article notes, this concern appears to have merit in at least one critical respect: Social Security. Specifically, the article looks at the findings of the most recent trustee’s report for Social Security that “almost nobody noticed.” What’s in the report, why… 

Americans’ Top Retirement Fears – And What You Can Do To Address Them

Outliving their money, Social Security being reduced or eliminated, and declining mental health necessitating long-term care. These are the top 3 retirement fears of Americans, as identified by a recent survey – and today’s article acknowledges that these are all serious risks worthy of attention. However, the author argues that “instead of living your life in fear, you can take… 

To Delay Or Not To Delay: What Some New Studies Say About Social Security Claiming

When it comes to determining when to start claiming Social Security, the author of today’s article notes that “few decisions are as financially consequential…or as hard.” As such, he attempts to provide some Social Security claiming guidance based on the findings of some new studies. Why does one new study conclude that postponing claiming Social Security may be even more… 

The Donald & Your Retirement: How The Trump Presidency May Impact Social Security, Financial Advice And More

Today’s article notes that while, “as a candidate, Donald Trump barely mentioned America’s retirement crisis…As president, he will have enormous power over the issue, bolstered by Republican control of the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives.” So in what ways might the impending Trump presidency affect the retirements of Americans? The author looks at the impact his administration may have… 

Uncle Sam’s Not Going To Help. Consider These 3 Social Security Supplementers Instead

While the average Social Security recipient is expected to see an increase in their benefit payments in 2017, that increase is only expected to be about $4 a month. Needless to say, recipients looking for a boost in their retirement income will have to look elsewhere. Today’s article advocates looking at three stocks with higher-than-average dividend yields and which, with… 

Battle Plan For “The Coming Retirement Crisis”

The author of today’s article divides the 10,000 baby boomers that are turning 65 each day into two groups: those that will depend on Social Security as a major source of income in retirement and those that have more savings and will therefore be less reliant on Social Security. To those in the latter group, however, she cautions that “it’s… 

Social Security Negligence: What Information Is Not Being Adequately Communicated To Claimants?

Today’s article notes that, in 2013, Social Security benefits made up 52% of household income for those aged 65 and over, and at least 90% of household income for almost a quarter of older retirees. These statistics make the findings of a new study by the Government Accountability Office all the more concerning: The GAO has determined that “Americans getting… 

Cliffs Notes On “The Truth About Retirement”

There’s a new special on retirement – The Truth About Retirement – that begins airing on public television stations this month that the author of today’s article recommends tuning into. The program, from financial planner Ric Edelman, focuses on investing, Social Security claiming and estate planning strategies for a secure retirement. However, if you want a sneak peek (or just…