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nest egg

Is Your Retirement At Risk Due To Overly Rosy Rate Of Return Expectations?

A recent survey of 401(k) participants found that almost 70% believed they would be able to save enough for a financially secure retirement. The problem? Two-thirds of those surveyed believed that returns going forward will be in line with – or higher than – returns in the past, while most analysts expect that returns will be lower – perhaps significantly… 

Million Or Myth: Do You Really Need $1 Million To Retire?

The oft-cited figure for how much you need to build up in your nest egg in order to retire comfortably is $1 million – with some experts advocating a $2 million target! However, the author of today’s article believes that, “while that theory might seem reasonable on paper, in practice, it leaves a lot to be desired” – and he… 

How To Retire With (Mental) Buckets Of Money

Today’s article has a simple message: You should retire with buckets of money. This seems obvious enough – you want to build as large of a retirement nest egg as possible. The buckets of money referred to in this case, however, are figurative – part of a mental accounting strategy whereby retirement expenses are broken down into “buckets” and then… 

Safe Spending: Strategies For Ensuring Your Nest Egg Lasts As Long As You Do

Leading up to retirement the goal is producing enough income to build a sizable nest egg. Upon retirement the goal shifts to spending what has been built up in such a way that you don’t outlive your nest egg. And while the general rule of thumb has been the 4% rule – that retirees could safely withdraw 4% of their… 

Five Funds For A Faster $1 Million Nest Egg

When it comes to accumulating that $1 million figure often cited as the recommended amount for a retirement nest egg, the author of today’s article states there are two choices: “Either we can wait nearly half a century…or we can become millionaires faster if we can get a better return.” He proceeds to outline a basket of five funds which… 

“Meaty Profits”: Why This 1 Stock Might Be A Great Pick For Investors In Their 50s

For investors in their 50s looking to both grow their retirement nest eggs and build a steady stream of passive income, today’s article highlights one stock which, “with its powerful wealth-building combination of increasing dividend payouts and share-price appreciation”, may be one of the best picks for achieving both of these goals. To find out what this stock is –… 

“More Interesting And Less Expensive”: How Target-Date Funds Are Getting Makeovers

When it comes to target-date funds, today’s article states that the popular retirement investment vehicles may become more interesting and less expensive this year. Specifically, the article examines how some fund sponsors are going about trying to reduce volatility, boost returns, lower fees, and even select more socially conscious investments, all in an effort to attract more investors. To read… 

How Do Retirees (And Their “Newly Plumped-Up” Nest Eggs) Navigate The Trump Rally From Here?

The post-election “Trump rally” has been very good to investors. But, as today’s article notes, “retirees…have a vested interest in making sure their newly plumped-up nest eggs remain intact.” So, should retirees head for the exits in anticipation of a pullback, or would doing so likely cause them to miss out on further gains next year? The author looks at… 

“Never, Ever”: Why This Self-Made Millionaire Thinks Everyone Should Ditch 401(k)s

Everyone knows that the first step to building a retirement nest egg is to make the most of your 401(k) (if you have access to one) by either maxing out your contribution or at least contributing enough to get any employer match. But Grant Cardone isn’t everyone. The self-made millionaire and author of the new book Be Obsessed or be… 

Long-Term Growth Stocks For Longer Retirements

The good news? The length of time the average 65-year-old can expect to continue living is at an all-time high (20 years) and continues to rise. The downside? Having to ensure that one’s nest egg will last this longer period of time. One step towards success in this regard is investing in stocks that are well-positioned for long-term profit growth,…