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Retirement Saving Boon Or Financial Doom? The Skinny On Republican-Favored Health Savings Accounts

The specifics of the Republican healthcare plan that will replace Obamacare remain unknown (including – apparently – to Republicans themselves). However, President Trump has stated that a key component of the plan will be expanding the use of Republican-favored Health Savings Accounts. As such, the author of today’s article advises that now is the time to become familiar with the… 

Are Health Savings Accounts The Real “Holy Grail” Of Retirement Savings Vehicles?

With it being so often repeated that the key to a secure retirement is to start saving early and put enough into your 401(k) to get your employer’s match, today’s article argues that many investors are overlooking (or underutilizing) another important savings tool – health savings accounts: “According to some advisors, HSAs are also the Holy Grail of savings vehicles…