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April 2019

Stepping Your Way To A Successful Financial Life

When it comes to credit scores, buying cars (and buying homes), 401(k)s (and Roth 401(k)s), savings accounts, life insurance (and auto and homeowners and long-term care insurance), wills and beneficiaries (and powers of attorney), Social Security and more, the author of today’s article poses the following question: “What does a good financial life look like?” For his 45-step roadmap to… 

Spend Safely In Retirement (And Delay Taking Social Security) With This Strategy

With most financial experts advising that primary wage earners delay taking Social Security until age 70 (as delaying can result in payments that are 70% higher), the author of today’s article acknowledges that “for those who do want to maximize their benefits, that means utilizing other assets in the meantime which requires some strategizing.” He proceeds to outline one potential… 

How To Avoid Having Your Retirement Devastated By The “Tax Time Bomb”

It’s an unwelcome surprise for many retirees: having to pay more taxes in retirement than when they were working. In fact, one financial security expert cited in today’s article warns that “tax-deferred retirement accounts such as a 401(k), IRA, or 403(b) can be like sitting on a tax time bomb”. What are the two main reasons Americans are paying higher…