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June 2016

Take One Aspirin: How Impending Retirees Should Deal With Market Volatility

If there’s one word that aptly describes stock prices so far this year, that word is volatility. And, as today’s article points out, “ those saving for and those living in retirement are becoming increasingly fearful of putting their life savings at risk in markets that fall and rise as they have this year.” But is this fear warranted? The… 

The Disappearing Empty-Nest Windfall

Empty-nesters have more disposable income and are thus in a position to step up their retirement savings, right? It turns out, not exactly. While some estimates assume that empty-nesters will increase savings by 12%, today’s article references a recent study which found that savings only increase by 0.3% to 0.7%: “In other words, parents are spending pretty much the same… 

“The New Playbook” For 5 Baby Boomer Retirement Planning Mistakes

“Newsflash to Baby Boomers: the roadmap for retirement has changed and you have to change with it.” The author of today’s article cautions that there is a “significant shift happening in retirement planning because of new technology that can deliver similar or better service…at lower cost… [and that] Baby Boomers are most at risk of missing the boat on this… 

JPMorgan’s “Better Way” To Track Retirement Savings

Looking for a better way to keep track of whether you are saving enough to retire? Today’s article may help in that regard, outlining “a more nuanced set of guidelines” offered up by JPMorgan. Here’s what the author has to say: “The aim is to help you track your progress in a way that reflects how much you will need…