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Social Security Negligence: What Information Is Not Being Adequately Communicated To Claimants?

2016-09-22 19_10_33-Morguefile free photographs for commercial useToday’s article notes that, in 2013, Social Security benefits made up 52% of household income for those aged 65 and over, and at least 90% of household income for almost a quarter of older retirees. These statistics make the findings of a new study by the Government Accountability Office all the more concerning: The GAO has determined that “Americans getting ready to claim their Social Security benefits may not be getting crucial information they need to make the best decisions for their retirement”. What important information has the GAO found is not being adequately communicated, and why does one Social Security expert state that the GAO’s report “doesn’t even begin to suggest the magnitude of Social Security’s mistakes”? CLICK HERE to find out.